… Can Be Led From Within

… Can Be Led From Within

“The starting point for improvement is to recognize the need.”
               Masaaki Imai

I imagine that many of you who are reading this blog are those who feel the pain of the obstacles that get in the way of your daily productivity and sense of accomplishment, rather than those organizational leaders who can sponsor the changes needed.  So you will need to lead the efforts from within your organization, knowing that I’m here to help.

Today, we’re going to walk through a presentation that you could use to explain to your boss why he/she should consider making some changes.

If you are the executive responsible, then the presentation is a tool to help explain this to the rest of your management team.

A Better Workplace … Is a Great Investment

Page 1 – Cover


My goal with the presentation was to keep it short (6-8 pages), but provide enough information to help an executive decide whether it’s worth taking the next step … a more in-depth discussion.

The following pages follow a question & answer format, with the questions I would expect many executives to ask, and answers at a high level.

Page 2 – What is “A Better Workplace …”?


Here we paint the picture of what a better workplace looks like, and the high-level results.

Page 3 – What’s the Value to the Organization?


There are so many studies that point to the business value of what we call a better workplace, and I had to pick just a few. The links from the actual deck will take the reader to the full reference.  And the original blog entries for each Dimension include more business value references.

Page 4 – What Are the Key Factors?


Here we introduce the six Dimensions, without using that term.

Page 5 – How Do We Make It Happen?


We introduce the blog, and the fact that all the details are available in the public domain. We also include the QE Framework and QE Cycle images to provide high-level overviews and add some credibility.

Page 6 – Who Can Help?


Here we list what’s available at no cost for initial blog members, and leave any further discussion on fees to a conversation with me.

It’s important to emphasize that my #1 objective is to help as many organizations as possible. I put the framework into the public domain so teams can make these changes with minimal outside support. Having said that, I am committed to helping as many companies as I can.

Page 7 – What’s Next?


This is the call to action – simply contact me and I’ll do what I can to help.

To get your copy of the presentation, just send me an email at the address above.

What’s Next

With this entry, I’ve finished the journey of publishing the QE Framework and QE Cycle, and have hopefully provided enough information to get you moving toward a better workplace.

As I look to next week’s entry, we move into the next phase. My thoughts are to add to the body of knowledge that will help teams better understand some of the principles behind the framework, and to curate articles related to quality enablement. But I will need your input. So I’ll propose some topics, and will want your feedback to help shape this blog as we move forward.

Until Then …

“Whether you believe you can, or believe you can’t, you’re probably right.”
               Henry Ford

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